The Astrology of COVID-19
Astrology says: “as above, so below.”
As interpreters of cosmic alignments, we buy into the concept of the “anima mundi” which translates to the “world soul” and implies that our Universe has a soul and intelligence of its own and of which we are all an integral part. Everything is interconnected and life is pregnant with meaning. To find this meaning all we need to do is look beyond the boundaries of the rational mind, to see and feel with our hearts, our imagination and our inner knowing.
The cosmos and its planetary alignments are part of the map to this world soul. And what they are revealing at the moment is truly fascinating.
In January we experienced an alignment astrologers have been bracing for for a long while: the Saturn/Pluto conjunction. Saturn is the planet of structure, limits, maturity, discipline, morality, restriction and isolation. While Pluto, God of the Underworld, brings implications of death and rebirth, of transformation, power struggles, intensity, destruction. Pluto burns the bridges to the old world. And so our old structures are crumbling. The heaviest of decisions are having to be made every day. Isolation has been mandated. And the powers that be are coming face to face with their shadow.
Incredibly, the history of Saturn/Pluto alignments is rife with examples of humanity facing its darkness: World War I, World War II, the Black Death, the Cold War, the AIDS crisis, September 11th - all of these occurred during Saturn/Pluto aspects.
World War I, World War II, the Black Death, the Cold War, the AIDS crisis, September 11th - all of these occurred during Saturn/Pluto aspects.
When Saturn and Pluto reached their exact alignment in early January, China reported the first human death from COVID-19. Since then Saturn has moved on from Pluto into the sign of Aquarius, and Jupiter has taken Saturn’s place. Pluto and Jupiter just reached their exact alignment on April 4th.
Jupiter expands and enlarges whatever it touches. It also broadens our perspectives and our ability to progress. So with Jupiter and Pluto together two things are happening:
1. The virus has spread like wildfire causing the world death toll to sky rocket. Destruction is ever-expanding.
2. But so is our collective creativity. Innovation is everywhere and feels to be at all an time high as scientists push for a vaccine, and people around the world seek ways to provide for themselves and to make something beautiful out of something terrible.
For those that want to go deeper re. the history of Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions, which have occurred during seven of the ten deadliest pandemics in human history, my mentor Dana Gerhardt wrote an eye-opening article on this topic.
What’s fascinating is that all these major planetary alignments have been occurring in the final degrees of Capricorn, an earth sign that speaks to our ability to create and build structures based on integrity. And the final degrees of a sign are where the lessons are accelerated. Like a race to the finish line, the planets want to complete the cycle they’ve been in before moving on to begin a new one, which will be in the sign of Aquarius.
Capricorn has big goals and ambitions and wants to make something of itself. To leave a lasting legacy. In its highest form this looks like putting one foot in front of the other to climb the mountain chosen by the soul. But in its shadow form, Capricorn is heartless, ruthless. Stopping at nothing to obtain its material goals pursued in the name of status.
But in its shadow form, Capricorn is heartless, ruthless. Stopping at nothing to obtain its material goals pursued in the name of status.
These Capricorn shadow traits are of particular concern for us as a world at the moment because the South Node - the karma we must burn - is also in Capricorn. It’s been there since November of 2018.
Meanwhile the North Node - the direction in which we must turn and forge a path in order to find wholeness - has been in the opposite sign of Cancer. Cancer is home, heart and hearth. It seeks not to climb the mountain out in the world, but to venture deep below the ocean waters to find its true sense of self, which is the spiritual home it has long been seeking. And so the Universe has forced us all home, to a place of stillness where we might hear the still small voice of our truth within.
Lastly, the planet Uranus moved into the sign of Taurus in May 2018 where it will remain shaking things up until April 2026. When a slow-moving outer planet like Uranus changes signs it’s a big deal as we know we are in for a paradigm shift. Uranus is the rebel who sends electrical shock waves of change and revolution through whatever it touches. In the case of Taurus - another earth sign - these shock waves will be felt in the realm of resources: how we draw resources from the earth whether for food, energy or raw materials, how we use these resources and also what we value as a culture and a planet, which includes money and our currencies.
So what are all these alignments asking of us now on an individual level?
Pluto says: “Now is the time to surrender. Confront your clinging to the material attachments you mistakenly believe make you powerful. There is such a thing as authentic empowerment. Go deep within to discover what this means.”
Saturn says: “Claim your sense of authority. You and only you are responsible for your life. For the choices you make and the boundaries your draw. Own them. Claim them. Make this life your own.”
Jupiter says: “Think big. OK. Now, think bigger. Or better yet, dream bigger. The old way is crumbling to make room for a soul-centered one. Step out of your self-imposed cage and see the vast potential for creation on this earth.”
Capricorn says: “Think deeply about what it is you want to build and the foundation this kind of life requires. Find the mountain you alone were born to climb and take the first step towards your freedom.”
Cancer says: “All this you do must be in the name of the heart. Your one true home.”
For me, looking to the language of the stars has become such a vital way of anchoring. A way of coming into conscious acceptance of the current times and the invitation to move WITH the flow of energy. By no means, does this make things easy, but it does allow me to feel empowered. Like there is something I can actually DO to ease the sense of suffering in the world. And it always starts with me on the inner level.
For me, looking to the language of the stars has become such a vital way of anchoring. A way of coming into conscious acceptance of the current times.
With all the chaos this pandemic has kicked up, I’ve had no choice but to finally get back to meditating daily. I’m journaling again. Listening deeply to my inner experience. As we are quarantined here on the ranch, I’m spending more time out in nature and in awe of the vast ecosystem that shares this landscape with us. It’s gotten quiet enough for me to discern the voice of my inner critic and I’m practicing hard boundaries with her. Only allowing in guidance from the soft and gentle voice of that divine Cancerian mother: La Que Sabe, The one who knows.
I’m sending love and light to all of you during this time. And if you are ready to heal and reclaim your relationship to your inner feminine energy, The Embodying Wild Course is a full support offering that will take you through every step of this vital journey. Learn more here.