My Journey
I’m Emily Anderson, founder and creator of Embodying Wild. From a young age I’ve felt called to explore life’s bigger questions: Who we are? Why are we here? How can we make a difference?
And here is a little of what I’ve discovered:
I believe we are souls having a human experience and no matter how alone we may feel, there is a divine intelligence that’s always with us and working through us.
I believe it’s our destiny to tap into and express our unique creativity.
I don’t subscribe to the notions of coincidence, mistakes or fate. Rather I believe in energy, synchronicity, free-will and the Jungian principle that until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our lives and we will call it fate.
I’m an eternal student of Mother Nature and horses who are my partners in healing and most cherished spiritual teachers. The horses are continuously revealing to me what it means to be at one with nature, which, I believe, is our greatest medicine.
I’m a Pisces Sun/Libra Moon/Libra Rising and a Manifestor in Human Design, and I love how this cosmic wisdom deepens my compassion and acceptance for myself and others.
I believe in holistic remedies and modalities such as energetic healing, herbs and elixirs, all of which my husband still lovingly refers to as “witchcraft.”
I’m endlessly fascinated by the intersection of science and spirit - that which we can quantify and that which will always remain just beyond the grasp of our rational minds.
I’ve never identified as a life coach. What I know myself to be is a bridge between this world and the next. Between the seen and the unseen. I assist people in finding connection with their soul and in making the journey from their head to their heart, from the mind to the body.
For many years I swam against the current of life trying to make things happen. I worked tirelessly trying to earn my sense of self-worth from without. Finally, the Universe gave me the gift of a burnout, which served as my divine invitation to go deep into my past wounds in order to surrender and transform. I emerged from this process a healer and nothing has ever felt more right. I spent so much of life wanting to be somebody else. But now, I embrace with all my heart that I am here to be me - the unique expression of energy that is my soul.
And this is my wish for you.
That wherever you currently are on your journey, you will give yourself the gift of releasing the oars, laying back in your boat, and letting the river of truth carry you home. Because despite what you may have been taught, life is meant to be enjoyed, it’s allowed to be easy and it’s your divine right to be YOU. I created Embodying Wild as a home and sanctuary for all those embarking on the wild and courageous journey that is self-actualization. So if you are seeking support, I hope you won’t hesitate to reach out and connect.
With love and light,
Emily Anderson is an ever-evolving wild woman with a gift for reconnecting individuals to the source of their power. She is an intuitive healer, a spiritual guide and a lifelong horsewoman living in the Big Sky country of Montana.
A student of Spiritual Psychology, Emily spent 2 years studying under the guidance of the renowned Drs. Ron and Mary Hulnick at the University of Santa Monica in Los Angeles. It was during her study at USM that Emily discovered her gift for one-on-one facilitation and spiritual and intuitive guidance. It has since become her life’s work to support others on their paths to healing and thriving. Read more about Emily’s story in Montana Woman Magazine.
Beyond Spiritual Psychology, Emily has trained in a diverse blend of soul-centered modalities including Astrology, Human Design, Family Constellations and Equine Guided Empowerment® - a unique approach that offers individuals the experience of partnering with horses to encourage personal development and therapeutic breakthroughs.
And for the past five years, Emily has a been a student of the Being with Horses philosophy - a revolutionary approach to the horse/human connection founded in Germany by Sabine Birmann. As of 2025, Emily is now one of the first and only official teachers of this approach in the USA. To learn more head to beingwithhorses.us.
Interested in working with Emily? Current offerings include private virtual sessions and in-person equine-guided offerings at the ranch.