Being with Horses

Being with Horses is an approach to the horse/human relationship founded by Sabine & Dan Birmann in Germany. It is not a training method, but a way of life that allows for us to reconnect with our awareness and develop a partnership with our horses founded in freedom, mutual connection, respect and love.

Emily Anderson and Carla Lanphear host several clinics a year at Emily’s ranch in Southwest Montana so that individuals can experience this groundbreaking philosophy in-person.

If you are a horse owner or lover seeking a non-dominant, holistic approach to the horse/human relationship, we invite you to join us for a clinic. See details below.

The Philosophy

Being with Horses is not a training method. Rather, it’s a way of being that guides individuals to reconnect with their present-moment awareness and empathy in service to true partnership. In BwH, we move beyond traditional approaches based in dominating horses and using them for personal gain. Instead, we understand that horses are social animals with unique personalities, emotions and needs - just like us. Thus, in order to form a relationship based on mutual trust and authentic communication, we must learn how to listen to our horses and communicate with them in a way that they can understand - through mutual body language that considers our presence, position, and behavior. 


Over time, we will recognize that our horses reflect back to us that which lives within us - grief, anger, and fear, as well as freedom, power, and joy. And as our relationship grows, our horses will show us that they can move when there is movement in us; they can trust us when we become trustworthy; they will follow us when we learn to lead with their best interest in mind; and they can feel free to be themselves when we learn to become accepting and free.

Through Being with Horses we are given the opportunity to journey beyond pressure, perfectionism, ambition and expectations, and allow our horses to guide us back to the present moment, and a life of greater authenticity and connection.


Want to learn more about the Being with Horses philosophy and attend a clinic? Head to our site.

And to hear about our real life stories practicing this approach with our horses - check out our podcast!